Marcello Giordano - Owner, Giordano Garden Groceries

By | July 15, 2020
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Giordano Garden Groceries owner Marcello Giordano making deliveries. Photo courtesy of Giordano Garden Groceries.

Reflections from the Philly Food World on COVID-19


Anyone familiar with the Philly food world knows that pride and community are the currents that make this an amazing place to eat. Yet, COVID-19 has had visceral effects, from shuttered restaurants and a takeout shift to supply chain disruptions, which have people reconsidering the role of a diversified local food system.

With an eye on the future, we reached out to five Philadelphians who play a role in the local food world to take the pulse of the city and get an early read on lessons learned that may carry us forward. Here’s one of them.

When the bottom fell from the restaurant wholesale market, Marcello Giordano admits he was scared. In recent years, much of his business came via city restaurants. Then, he stopped and drew on lessons his father imparted as he was coming up in the century-old family business. “My father wasn’t scared of anything,” he says. “I grew up hearing stories about how my family did business during the depression.” Running an honest operation was key. With that as inspiration, Giordano crafted a $35 Fresh Essentials grocery box packed with produce and dairy, first promoting it via neighborhood flyers. By mid-May, 40,000-plus were sold.

How He’ll Remember the Crisis:

“The thing that kept us going was the positivity. We have so many nonprofits calling us. We have women in their neighborhoods putting drops together. When we hear the stories of what they are doing, it’s really motivating. It’s inspiring everybody here.”

Serving Community:

“When I priced the Fresh Essentials box, I did it to send a message: People that price gouge at a time like this should be ashamed of themselves. Why didn’t I charge $65? I was never taught to run a business like that. I told every customer that was walking up, ‘Don’t be afraid that you’re not going to get stuff.’ If you don’t take advantage of the situation, people will remember. We tried to really make a statement.”

Rethinking the Supply Chain:

“The consumer should know there’s no such thing as free delivery. You have to realize: One day, that is going to catch up not just with your business, it’s going to catch up with the consumer, too. This would be a great time to focus on trying to bring the cost of living down. I try to get something where I can offer it at a great price point. We should believe in consistent business over the long term.”

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