Dairy Love: Yogurt, Cultured Butter & Sour Cream

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Do you crave those good ol' creamy probiotics? We'll cover mesophilic and thermophilic yogurts and we'll make some cultured butter, learn the path to the world's best tasting sour cream (personal opinion. But I'm right).

One bite of tangy and probiotic homemade yogurt and it’s not hard to figure out why humans have been making it for thousands of years. In this class, we’ll cover the basics of making yogurt with incubation (thermophilic) with and without special equipment, and yogurt that sets at room temperature on your countertop (mesophilic)! You'll have the chance to experience how microbial differences impact texture and just about everything else in the yogurt-making process.

Everyone will leave with a a jar of mesophilic yogurt-in-the-making to ferment at home, plus a bit of cultured butter or some sour cream and you'll have the option to take some of the leftover yogurts home as cultures for even more future batches (BYO containers for that!).

Snacks and fermented treats will be on hand for the sipping and chomping and samples of a wide variety of fermented dairy will be available for tasting.

Date: March 16, 2019 10:00 AM-1:00 PM

Location: Fermentation Central | 225 Chestnut St. 2nd Floor , Philadelphia

Event website: eventbrite.com

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225 Chestnut St. 2nd Floor

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