Discover Your Wine Style

April 12, 2025
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This class is designed to take the mystery out of the age-old question: will I like that wine? You will uncover your wine style through a series of fun and engaging wine tastings: what types of wines you naturally will love.

After this class, you won’t be stuck with the same boring old brands and grapes. You can make better –and bolder– choices about buying wine in the future.  You will understand your very own wine style.

Take the Confusion Out of Wine Styles

There are over 10,000 possible flavors in wine. There are over 500 bottles in the average wine shop. When you hold up a bottle of wine, do you know if you are really going to like it? Have you bought an expensive bottle only to be disappointed?

If so, you are not alone. This is an issue that has plagued wine lovers for centuries. Each of us has an ever so slightly different sense of taste, which means that not all wines will appeal to all people.

To enjoy wine to the fullest, you don’t need to know every single wine style in the world. You don’t need to memorize every wine grape and every wine region. You don’t need to be a Cellar Master/Sommelier. All you really need to start your journey into wine awesome is to know YOUR wine style.

This class is designed to unveil the four keys to unlocking your personal wine preferences. This class is based on a decade of research, including the good folks at Monell Chemical Senses Center right here in Philly.  We have translated their work into a fun two-hour wine-tasting class that anyone will enjoy.

Date: April 12, 2025 4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Location: Wine School of Philadelphia | 109 S 22nd St, Philadelphia, 19103 | 2159651514

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109 S 22nd St
Philadelphia 19103

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